LyX a été cité à la fois dans la presse écrite traditionnelle du monde réel, et dans les publications électroniques. Cette page se présente comme un simple carnet de notes au sujet de la couverture médiatique de LyX. Si vous avez connaissance d'un lien qui n'y figure pas, faites-le nous savoir.
Les publications sont très majoritairement anglophones, on y trouve cependant quelques articles francophones.
- Valentine Sinitsyn: Create documents with LyX: LaTeX made easy
Linux Voice, article, March 31, 2016 - Nathan Willis: A look at LyX 2.1
Linux Weekly News (, article, May 7, 2014
Revue des nouvelles fonctionnalités de Lyx 2.1 - William von Hagen: Create LaTeX documents graphically with LyX
IBM developerWorks, 16th of August, 2013
Le fin des saisies LaTeX fastidieuses ; prévisualisation à la saisie sur votre système favori - Michael Reed: Publish a book with LyX
Linux User & Developer, 28th of September, 2012
Publier un livre avec LyX en 20 étapes - A Quick Review of LyX, 7th of September, 2012 - Luis Augusto Fretes Cuevas: LyX
Netrunner MAG, article, 25th of April, 2012
Application documentée sur Netrunner - Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier: A look at LyX 2.0
Linux Weekly News (, article, 24th of November, 2010
Courte revue de LyX 2.0 en cours de développement - Lyx pour la mise en forme de vos oeuvres: 1ère partie
Blog de Eve Dennels, 21 décembre 2009
Récit (enthousiaste) d'une première expérience d'utilisation de LyX. - Greg Laden: The next document I put together will be done with LyX, blog, 7th of November 2009
Article au sujet des traitements de texte. - Doru Barbu: LyX 1.6.4 Review
SOFTPEDIA REVIEWS, review, 15th of October 2009
Un court passage en revue de LyX avec copies d'écran. - Felix Grant: LyX document processor 1.6
Scientific Computing World, 21 August 2009.
Un passage en revue de LyX des points de vue de Windows et scientifique. - LyX made easy
Linux Format magazine, article, August 2009.
Une courte introduction à LyX. - LyX met la typographie à portée de souris
PC Expert magazine, article, March 30th, 2009.
L'article examine l'« offre » dans le monde du libre et discute de ce que pourrait être le monde « post-WYSIWYG ». En particulier, l'auteur mentionne LyX et et le besoin d'éditeurs orientés document structuré (supportant SGML ou XML). - Jeffry Thurana: Lyx - The Ultimate Document Writing Tool article, August 28tn, 2008.
Success story about LyX 1.5. - Michael Reed: LyX 1.6 is ready for release article, August 28th, 2008.
A short review of LyX 1.6 new features. - Using Sweave with LyX: How to lower the LaTeX/Sweave learning curve
R News, Volume 8(1):2-9 May, 2008 - Hans Bezemer: Applications are Open Source too
The Beez' speaks.., February 15, 2008.
General article about open source apps under Windows. - Timothy Roes: Legal Documents the LyX Way
'Mac Law Students, February 17th, 2008. - Nathan Willis: LyX 1.5: What you see is what you mean article, August 10, 2007.
A short review of LyX 1.5. - Michael Reed: Lyx: the Multi-Platform Document Editor
OS news article, February 27, 2007. - Corinne McKay and Daniel J. Urist: Designing a book with LyX article, August 24, 2006. - Donald Emmack: LyX and Lulu
Linux journal HOWTO, December 1st, 2006.
Use LyX to create stellar on-line books for the Lulu publishing service. - Andreas Karlsson: Scientific Workplace 5.5 and LyX 1.4.2.
Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 17, 2006, Software Review 1.
A comparative review of LyX 1.4.2 and its commercial counterpart Scientific Workplace 5.5. - Gerrit Renker: Professional Tex(t) Authoring with LyX.
LinuxFocus, February 2005.
Describes how to install and use LyX. The conclusion of the article states that: Certainly, if you only have to write your shopping list or a two-paragraph memo, using LyX is somehow overkill. But if you are looking at texts of more than 500 words where working with structure and crossreferences is a must, you can expect a serious degree of work relief from LyX. - Dave Fancella: Hot LyX
NewsForge, September 22, 2004.
A review of LyX 1.3. The author concludes: LyX's primary benefit is that it takes the work of typesetting completely out of your hands. Since I spend a lot of time writing without knowing what the target format will be, I found LyX to be exactly the right tool at the right time for me. [...] Just as when I switched to Linux, I'm looking back and thinking, "Why did I waste my time with that other stuff?" - Steve Litt: LyX Quickstart
Linux Productivity Magazine, Volume 1 Issue 3, October 2002.
A pretty instructive overview over the LyX approach. - Andreas Kneib: LyX-Workshop
Part I: Der bequeme Weg. Linux User, issue 10, 2002.
Part II: Texte mit Format Linux User, issue 12, 2002.
German workshop on using LyX. The author states that LyX combines the typesetting system LaTeX with the skills of a comfortable word processor. Even newbies create documents of impressive quality that way. - Tom Mrak: WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean)
Linux Journal Online, April 14, 2002.
Short overview of LyX. The author concludes: LyX makes the creation of documents easier, quicker and, in some ways, fun. - Brian Proffit: The StartX Files: Learning the Ways of LyX. Lessons in the Circle of Life.
Linux Planet, October 30, 2001.
Covers LyX, and featuring short interviews with LyX developers. - Ralph Krause: LyX – The Document Processor.
BSD today, March 13, 2001.
A review of LyX. Its conclusion says: If you do most of your writing to be printed and are tired of spending more time tweaking the your layout instead of your words, you may find LyX to be just what you are looking for.
They also give an introduction to writing books. - Gene Wilburn: Linux for Newbies, pt. 20: Document Processing.
The Computer Paper, March 2001.
This article is a nice introduction about (La)TeX and (as many of these articles), ends telling that LyX is what you want if LaTeX frightens you. - Richard Hillesley: See what you mean.
LinuxUser, February 2001.
Compares the WYSIWYG approach of common word processors with LyX's WYSIWYM approach. Conclusion: LyX and LaTeX point towards a more sensible future for document processing, taking advantage of the power of computing to simplify the job, which after all is how computers were sold to us in the first place. - Evan Liebovitch: LaTeX: A diamond in the rough
ZDNet, January 3, 2001.
Another very positive article on LaTeX, which mentions LyX: The good news is that LaTeX, like Linux, is itself getting a friendly face. In LaTeX, as in Linux, the addition of the GUI is an enhancement and complement to, not a replacement for, the traditional way of doing things. The key here is LyX, a GUI front end that makes LaTeX look and work like a word processor. - Stéphane Bortzmeyer: After Word: l'avenir du traitement de texte., January 2001.
L'article (en français) examine l'« offre » dans le monde du logiciel libre and évalue ce que pourrait être le monde « post-WYSIWYGe ». L'auteur mentionne en particulier LyX et le besoin d'éditeurs de texte orientés documents structurés (SGML or XML). - Steve Litt: Writing Self-Published Books with Lyx, 2001.
An article about LyX as well as a manual with some very useful hints. - Rico Sanchez: This Doesn't Lyx or Does It?
ShowMeLinux!, September 9, 2000.
A very positive review of LyX: Sceptical? Yeah, I was too. Then I tried Lyx and I realized that this is a much saner way to work than traditional word processing, especially for larger documents. - Michael Stutz: LyX, the Document Processor
Living Linux (, May 30, 2000.
An overview on LyX. Michael has also mentioned LyX earlier in Linux Word Processing Road Map. - Antonio Zugaldia: El procesador de textos LyX
Sólo Linux, issue 9, May 2000, p. 29–32.
The article in the spanish magazine explains its usage and features for introducing LyX to the spanish public (no online version available). - Gene Wilburn: Linux Inside: The TeX alternative
The Computer Paper, November 1999.
A short article about LaTeX, which includes LyX. The author notes: If you like the professional look of typeset documents but prefer the ease of use of a word processor, LyX may be your ticket. In fact, LyX is so nice that it may just become one of your most compelling reasons for ditching that other operating system and running Linux full time. - Michael Eschgfäller: Nabel der Computerwelt – "LyX": Blumauer arbeitet an revolutionärem Programm.
Die Zeitung am Sonntag (Bozen), August 8, 1999.
An article about the Third International LyX Developers meeting from a local Italian newspaper. The article is in German and covers some wild information (as LyX is the successor of LaTeX, which has been developped by Matthias Ettrich). But it's fun. - Linda Seebach: Better look out, Microsoft: Here comes free software
InsideDenver, April 18, 1999.
An article about Mom-ready computers. This article discusses LyX among other interesting things - Ulrich Quill: Introduction to LyX
Linux Journal, issue 57, January 1999. - Gaël Duval: a few questions to... Matthias Ettrich
Linux Center, September 1998.
Matthias Ettrich is the original author of LyX, and this interview contains a few paragraphs about LyX - Larry Ayers: Comparing WordPerfect and LyX
Linux Gazette, issue 27, April 1998. - Ismael Ripoll: LyX Review
LinuxFocus, March 1998.
There is also a German translation of this article available. - Stephen Darlington: LyX 0.12.0
A very early review.